About Me

My writing career – or at least, the part that led directly to publishing At the Crossroads – began on a Sunday morning in church, while I was in the middle of a full-blown snit. Not exactly an auspicious beginning.
As a university student slogging through endless group projects while gearing up for exams, I was tired, feeling sorry for myself, and not in the mood to listen to a sermon on forgiveness. It might have been a perfectly good sermon, but I my head and heart weren’t in it, and I found myself wondering what forgiveness really was. Not just in theological terms, but in a boots-on-the-ground sort of way.
The picture that came to mind was of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet, standing at the foot of the cross, struggling to forgive those who’d crucified Jesus as well as to truly appropriate the forgiveness and grace Jesus had extended to her.
So I wrote a story, which sat in a drawer, then got packed in a box to move halfway across the country with me, and then sat in another drawer for another ten years or so. I started working as an Occupational Therapist, got married, and had two children. Off and on, I thought about doing something with that story, but there was a major gap that needed to be filled in. One sleepless night, at about 3 a.m., I happened to read an article by our pastor that contained that final piece that my story needed. When spoke with him about it, the idea of performing the story as a monologue was sparked. That monologue led to invitations to write and perform more, and the rest is history.
What else can I tell you? I’ve been a teacher’s aide in a two-room school in Taiwan, an Occupational Therapist, a stay-at-home mom, and a women’s Bible study leader. I currently work as a Speech and Language Facilitator and – best job of all – a school librarian where I get to indulge my passion for books, reading and storytelling. (I hope my students are having as much fun as I am!)
I enjoy exploring the lives of people in the Bible through writing and drama, and have been privileged to share many of my monologues in churches, women’s ministries and retreats.
In my free time, I enjoy time with family and friends, traveling, reading, knitting, playing piano, kayaking, and discovering new recipes. I live in Williams Lake, British Columbia with my family.